Procure the P|G advantage for Your Company.
The clients of Park|Guenthart enjoy a host of competitive advantages including clarity, efficiency and superior legal results. At P|G, we use our business innovations to ensure we are among our clients’ most advanced business partners and advocates. By limiting caseloads, fostering teamwork and using technology, P|G provides the most advanced litigation strategies while still maintaining excellent cost effectiveness. Its in this way that we provide maximum advantages to the employers, insurers and third party administrators we partner with.
Enjoy Common Values with Your Attorney
The values and techniques employed by our firm are the culmination of our founder's dedication to emulating the best business practices in other fields and applying them in the practice of law. We carefully examined various select areas of practice and the business modeling used to run them. After identifying waste, gaps, inefficiencies and process irregularities, we architected a new way to practice Workers' Compensation law.
What sets us apart?
You’ve heard the talking points before. We’re aggressive. We’re proactive. Our in house litigation protocols and audits are more demanding than that of any of our clients. We tailor each account’s litigation strategy based on individual risk profiles. But how?
P|G is an exception to the truism that the legal profession is resistant to change. Our clients and attorneys have found great success due to our improvements on the role of our legal staff within our firm. Utilizing a one-to-one attorney/staff ratio, we have evolved these roles to empower our talented staff members to be active partners with their attorneys and to become fully invested in the success of their clients. This also frees up our attorneys to focus on tasks that require legal analysis. Our attorney-staff teams work jointly to review every step involved for each file from beginning to end. This team approach eliminates errors and secures exceptional results for our clients.
At P|G, we value technology and the benefits it can provide with exacting use. We understand that technological tools require management. Our internal network is closely integrated with our attorneys and legal staff to serve their needs for a highly organized file management system. Information is available as needed and to the proper level of granularity. Our network is not something that you can ‘set and forget’ but rather receives constant maintenance and upgrades. Working with clear and adaptable processes, our attorneys can far surpass the competition in their swift management of files and rules changes. Leveraging AI to assist in the workflow from new file set up to mail processing ensures that all processes are efficient. Maximizing the use of technology to reduce friction in the delivery of sound legal counsel is at the forefront of our minds.
Caseload Management
At P|G, we limit the caseload any one team carries to ensure all files are handled with precision. Our attorney-staff teams carry file workloads only two thirds the size of those carried by one attorney at most Workers’ Compensation firms. Because our attorneys and staff are not overworked, they devote their fullest attention and energy to every file and every client they serve. Balanced workloads ensure mental clarity and support the longevity of our attorneys and staff. We are aware that there will be seasons when we grow faster than we can staff. How serious are we about managing caseloads? We pay our staff a penalty for every month they are over our 80 files. Our client’s enjoy the peace of mind and relationships of trust that naturally evolve from a longer term relationship with their attorney.
Something that isn’t talked about at networking functions and happy hours is the inherent conflict of interests that exists between law firms and their clients. The quicker a case closes, the more money a client saves. The longer a case stays open, the more money a firm makes. So how do you claim to promote resolution of claims when the only incentive your firm gives attorneys is for billable hours? At P|G, we have monthly closure goals where the attorneys and assistants alike earn a bonus for closing files. We do not measure attorneys on billable hours alone. Furthermore, we are preparing to roll out an alternative billing structure where our rates will go down every year a file is open, thus putting us in the same boat as our clients.
Join the Winning Team
Using these strategies, Park|Guenthart has successfully achieved unprecedented growth. Growing from one attorney and one assistant in Southern California to having 16 attorneys in 4 offices to provide statewide coverage for its clients.